Rats Have Plans

Long ago in the Rat Realm lived a small clan of miscreants, roaming the streets of Humans they scavenged in bins and preyed upon smaller creatures. Eventually these few rats bred and formed an alliance known as the Vermillion. They began to evolve, their sizes varied and they slunk beneath the drains into the sewers, plotting a take over of the human race and experimenting on them. Hoping to achieve a new world where Rats would rule. 

Eventually, the rest of the rats who disagreed with the Vermillion made their own gang, standing for peace among the rat society, keeping humans safe and even going as far as befriending them. This group of rats grew rapidly in numbers and eventually they became the Street Sleepers of the rat realm. They chased the Vermillion into hiding and were able to keep the Human world safe from the Assasins of the rat realm... for a while

However all was not well, for the Vermillion had intelligence beyond normalcy, sending some assassins into 'Pet Operation' to live among humans and gather information and study their ways before contacting the rest of the Vermillion to get rid of their temporary owners.

The way humans see Rats interact is not what it seems...